Know your in real time, effortlessly.
Replace assumptions
with data.
Stop relying on expensive, inaccurate, and outdated methods to perform time studies, track work orders, or analyze productivity. We handle the machine learning, statistics, and data collection needed to revolutionize your manufacturing operation.
Make every factory a smart factory.
work order
Transform any factory into a smart factory with Traxs. Keep track of work orders, oversee work centers, and monitor productivity. Stay ahead with real-time detection of slowdowns and stoppages, ensuring your operations run smoothly and efficiently.
A Fitbit for manufacturing.
Traxs creates a digital twin of your operation - providing a comprehensive view of your facility accessed through an intuitive interface. Effortlessly track and analyze manufacturing activities. Stay informed about the progress and completion times for every work order - without any additional work.
So much more than asset tracking.
Traxs is your operations copilot - employing advanced machine learning methods to construct predictive models for your manufacturing process. It enables precise estimation of work order completion dates, identifies bottlenecks, and reveals trends to help you improve efficiency.
Zero-burden implementation
We train your team in person and are onsite to set each system up - enabling you to receive the benefits of a smart factory without the complication of having to build one.
Lifetime support
After implementation, and for the lifetime of the system, we work with each customer to answer technical questions, replace broken hardware, train new hires, and ensure the system continues to deliver value - at no additional charge.
See how Traxs can transform your operations...